
公告:"海達" 品牌正式升級為 "海優(yōu)測" 聲明公告 / 我們的使命:讓每一家企業(yè)擁有高品質(zhì)的檢測儀器
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  • 發(fā)布日期:2014-01-14      瀏覽次數(shù):1696
    • 歐洲家具標準(二)


      EN 14056-2003

      實驗室家具 設(shè)計和安裝的建議

      Laboratory furniture - Recommendations for design and installation

      EN 1725-1998

      家用家具 床和床墊 安全要求和試驗方法

      Domestic furniture - Beds and mattresses - Safety requirements and test methods

      EN 1727-1998

      家用家具 儲物家具 安全要求和試驗方法

      Domestic furniture - Storage furniture - Safety requirements and test methods

      EN 1728-2000

      家用家具 座椅 試驗方法 強度和耐久性的確定

      Domestic furniture - Seating - Test methods - Determination of strength and durability

      EN 1730-2000

      家用家具 桌子 測定強度、耐久性和穩(wěn)定性的試驗方法

      Domestic furniture - Tables - Test methods for determination of strength, durability and stability

      EN 1906-2002

      建筑五金器具 杠桿式把手和圓形把手家具 要求和試驗方法

      Building hardware - Lever handles and knob furniture - Requirements and test methods

      EN 370-1993

      木材防腐劑 防止家具產(chǎn)生竊蠹的*效果的測定

      Wood preservatives; determination of eradicant efficacy in preventing emergence of Anobium punctatum (De Geer)

      EN 424-2001

      彈性地板覆蓋物 家具腿模擬移動效果的測定

      Resilient floor coverings - Determination of the effect of simulated movement of a furniture leg

      EN 48-1988

      木材防腐劑 對家具蛀蟲*作用的測定(實驗室法)

      Wood preservatives; determination of the eradicant action against larvae of Anobium punctatum (De Geer) (laboratory method)

      EN 49-1-1992

      木材防腐劑 用產(chǎn)卵和幼蟲成活法對抗家具蛀蟲防護效果的測定 第1部分:表面處理法運用(實驗室法)

      Wood preservatives; determination of the protective effectiveness against Anobium punctatum (De Geer) by egg-laying and larval survival; part 1: application by surface treatment (laboratory method)

      EN 49-2-1992

      木材防腐劑 用產(chǎn)卵和幼蟲成活法對抗家具蛀蟲防護效果的測定 第2部分:浸漬法運用(實驗室法)

      Wood preservatives; determination of the protective effectiveness against Anobium punctatum (De Geer) by egg-laying and larval survival; part 1: application by impregnation (laboratory method)

      EN 527-1-2000+AC-2002

      辦公家具 工作臺和辦公桌 第1部分:尺寸

      Office furniture - Work tables and desks - Part 1: Dimensions

      EN 527-1:2000



      EN 527-2-2002

      辦公家具 工作臺和辦公桌 第2部分:機械安全要求

      Office furniture - Work tables and desks - Part 2: Mechanical safety requirements

      EN 527-3-2003

      辦公家具 工作臺和辦公桌 第3部分:結(jié)構(gòu)的穩(wěn)定性和機械強度測定的試驗方法

      Office furniture - Work tables and desks - Part 3: Methods of test for the determination of the stability and the mechanical strength of the structure

      EN 581-1-1997

      戶外家具 野營、家用和訂做的座椅和桌子 第1部分:一般安全要求

      Outdoor furniture - Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use - Part 1: General safety requirements

      EN 581-3-1999

      戶外家具 野營、家用和訂做的座椅和桌子 第3部分:桌子的機械安全要求和試驗方法

      Outdoor furniture - Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use - Part 3: Mechanical safety requirements and test methods for tables

      EN 597-1-1994

      家具 床墊和裝飾床具著火性評定 第1部分:點火源 陰燃卷煙

      Furniture - Assessment of the ignitability of mattresses and upholstered bed bases - Part 1: Ignition source: Smouldering cigarette

      EN 597-2-1994

      家具 床墊和裝飾床具著火性評定 第2部分:點火源 火柴火焰

      Furniture - Assessment of the ignitability of mattresses and upholstered bed bases - Part 2: Ignition source: Match flame equivalent

      EN 716-1-1995

      家具 家用兒童帆布床和折疊床 第1部分:安全要求

      Furniture - Childrens cots and folding cots for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements

      文章來源:東莞海達儀器   版權(quán)所有,如需轉(zhuǎn)載請注明來源出處

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